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I don't really care what you say. I am done with you. Go troll some else. The fact is that I have rights to practice freedom of speech which is why I have the rights to make constructive criticisms. As for you claiming that I am a bully, you're quite hypocritical. There is no proof that I am a 30 year old virgin who's never felt the touch of a woman yet you are willing to mock people such as them in order to bring me down. 

LOL! You trying to call me a  30 year old virgin who's never felt the touch of a woman just reveals something about your dark side. You're probably the type to mock, humiliate, beat up, and bully shy quiet weak teenage boys when you were in high school. Why would you do that? They aren't doing anything wrong. They're just people who keep to themselves and lack self-esteem. Why would you bully people just because they are unlucky in the realm of getting girls? In conclusion, you're a bully. Seriously, calling people 30 year old virgins who's never felt the touch of a woman is what most Internet assholes do in toxic Internet comment sections. LOL! You just embarrassed yourself by calling me a 30 year old virgin who's never felt the touch of a woman especially for the fact that you don't even have proof that I am one. LOL! Grow up! LOL!