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(1 edit)




....its a dare.

i shall do it.

and tmr i'm doing something really stupid

i mean stupid.



fi fner bnedews

i'll do 2.

HELL yes.

...i hate you.

Awww, you hate me? But Ratalia, I wrote you another chapter! And this one has-Romance.




listen me argue with my sister

Logan’s eyes split open, hands slamming down on the keys as he jumped up, turning to face his mysterious audience. A boy was staring back at him, blue eyes wide and curious as he looked up at Logan with a startled expression.

“Oh, p-please don’t stop because of me! You play so well and-”

“I-I’m so sorry, how rude of me to play uninvited I-”

Logan stopped as his mind caught up to his mouth, registering what the boy had just said. He studied him, a bit surprised. “Well, thank you.” The boy, who Logan assumed to be Patton Everglot, smiled sadly.

“Mother never let me play the piano. She said it was improper. Called it ‘too loud’ for a future lord.”

He rolled his eyes a bit, clearly talking to himself more than to Logan. He felt a twinge of sadness for the boy. How dull his life must be, to be forbidden even the joy of music.

“I beg your pardon, Mr. Everglot, but where is your chaperone?”

The young Everglot winced a bit at the formality, button nose scrunching up.

“Um, perhaps you could just call me Patton?”

Logan was once again nonplussed by the boy’s-by Patton’s informality. He hadn’t expected this, hadn’t expected him to be so kind. Even his appearance was astounding, though Logan wasn’t sure what he’d expected on that front. It certainly wasn’t the sweet, freckle-faced boy standing before him. He felt his heart begin to race.


Patton took a few steps closer, strawberry blonde curls bouncing a bit as he gave a shy smile.

“Yes Logan?”

Logan smoothed down his hair and pushed back his fringe.

“Tomorrow, well we are to be, well-uh-”

“Married?” Patton supplied. Logan nervously straightened his tie.

“Erm, yes, married.”

That sad smile passed over Patton’s face again. He sighed a bit, absent-mindedly running his fingers over the piano’s ivory keys and taking a seat at the bench.

“It’s funny…ever since I was a child, I’ve dreamed of getting married. I guess I always thought I’d find someone who loved me simply for being me. I suppose now I’m finally realizing that's a silly thing to wish for.”

Logan felt a familiar ache forming in his chest. He had found a sadness in Patton’s soft doe’s eyes that mirrored his own, a longing for someone, anyone to truly see him.

“I don’t think that’s silly at all.”

He slowly took a seat next to Patton, focusing completely on him and his bespectacled eyes that seemed to hold thousands of dreams behind them. His elbow knocked against the ceramic vase perched atop the grand piano, causing it to tip and fall on it’s side, water and flowers spilling over the floor.


Logan’s face flushed as he frantically grabbed at the flowers and put them back in their proper place, desperately trying to cover up the mistake he’d made in front of his exceedingly cute fiancĂ©. Patton picked up one of the flowers, playing with the soft edges of its petals. He smiled a little, a real smile, and Logan’s heart stopped. Patton didn’t hesitate once as he stood up on the tips of his toes, tucking the small strand of jasmine behind Logan’s ear. Logan’s face went bright red, an entire swarm of butterflies flitting about his stomach. Patton looked up at him through his lashes and Logan was met with the startling truth of just how close he’d gotten. He took an infinitesimal glance at his lips before getting a grip and meeting his gaze, nearly choking at how brilliant his eyes were.

“You are…not what I expected…” He breathed.

Patton smiled, and Logan had the realization that this single smile belonged to him, and him alone. He resolved then and there to treasure it always.

“I could say the same of you-”

The sound of the door slamming open disrupted their moment. Lady Everglot stood in the doorway, red in the face.

“What sort of impropriety is this! Being without a chaperone, the outrage! Just imagine what could have happened if your father had found you, the scandal!”

The imposing woman grabbed Patton’s arm, yanking him away from Logan and causing him to cry out, eyes widening in fear. Logan had half a mind to snatch Patton out of the iron jaws of his mother when she leaned down, putting an end to his bold thoughts with a thorny glare.

“Listen well, boy. We’ve been accommodating of your family’s social standing thus far, and we will continue to be accommodating of it now, but if you do a single thing to dishonor the Everglot name I will not hesitate to have you and your family turned on your ear. Are we understood?”

Every last hair on the back of Logan’s neck stood on end.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good. The rehearsal begins at five, and Pastor Gordswell is waiting. Come along.”

And with that, she swept out of the room with her son, leaving no choice but for Logan to follow.

....god dammit.

they could have kissed-

Bro they just met-


..........I have been many friends I've met like-

2 months ago.

....mostly Aibrianne.

......she has kissed me like 10 times.

k but they've known each other for 5 minutes.