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This was sweet. A really good game.

My desire to experience romance had flared recently, but I am never going to do it in real life. So I started looking for dating sims. I had never played one before.

I have to say that this was a really good one for this. An excellent introduction to the genre.

Short and sweet. But contains everything I believe a dating sim should. It really satisfied me. I had been questioning for a while, what could possibly satify this the things I was recently feeling. This was it.

The story, the art, the music, everything is really good. I like the "depth" of this.

Spoiler alert!

I liked the angle of "I want to be with her more, but since she could be going away soon, maybe we should not talk too much, otherwise saying goodbye and seperating will be even more bitter". This also teaches you the lesson that sometimes you just gotta go on the attack, as a guy.

I liked the aspect of seeing the parents reactions. That is a whole part of the ordeal normally, after all. But I was weirded out when they didn't react to some things. Like when the MC arrives home late and when he returns after declaring that he is going to a girl's house.

This was emotional for me. And it made me laugh at times. Especially emotional when her father said something along the lines of wanting to have his daughter experience going on a date. Because she might have to leave soon and might never get to experience it. My eyes teared up there. If it were real life I would have cried right there in front of her dad. And the MC was really cool about it when she came back down. This is important to me because it lets me keep being immersed by not having the MC act immature.

The most emotional part was when she showed up in the morning the day of the date. She wasn't able to experience these things before, despite her age. But she still wanted to look beautiful. So she did her best and let her hair down and took off her glasses. Makeup wasn't even mentioned. That made me cry.

I am glad to have come across this game. 

I found out after finishing the game that there were multiple endings. I am really glad that this is the case.  Choices mattering really is the best for a dating sim.

Now for the cons:

I believe the character sprites were drawn by different people. This is not a full con but it kind of shows.

I seem to think that there was one more con but I must have forgot. Can't be too important if I forgot :D

Thank you for making this.