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This game looks interesting, but I am a not entirely sure how to use the Major and Minor truths.  Especially the ones listed together. If you chose the Major truth, forested,  for example, are the minor truths under that (rooted, and in the thick of it) included, as ways to tell about the Major truth from the start, or are those then chosen separately later?

hello, and thank you for your feedback!

if you want my interpretation, major and minor truths are separate, and are unlocked separately. you can take a major truth first before subsequently taking its minor truths in any order.  those minor truths call back to their associated major truth, and draw that major truth into the spotlight by giving your place more abilities associated with that natural element.

however you use it, i hope the mechanics give back to your play as feels right to you given the fiction. would it make sense for a place to be rooted if it were not already forested? can a place arise were it not already asleep? these are questions only you may answer about your wilderness.

thanks again!