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Stand Name: BlackSnake

Stand Master: Hikkey Brando

Stand Ability (Have 4): SpaceFold, Poison Control, Memory And Spirit Disc
its attacks are extremely dangerous, as much as physical attack, as well as its abilities, besides being a very fast and agile stand with a mind of its own.

Power : A
Potential : B
Speed : A
Precision : A
Range : B
Durability : A

Its literally how white snake, but with their colors inverted.


Hikkey was just an ordinary boy, Pucci had come into contact with.

when he was little, he saw pucci wearing his whitesnake, and started to admire him, but in fact, he's had a stand since birth.

His name was... BlackSnake

their appearance was a mere reference to whitesnake, their colors were interchanged, the black parts of whitesnake were white, and the whites were black.

Hikkey despaired after learning that he had a stand, after that, pucci taught him to use his powers and defend himself.

Then pucci used his last universe reset, and everyone was reset, but hikkey didn't.

after that hikkey went on a journey to find out more about his stand and if it had other shapes like c-moon or made in heaven, and after a long time, it really did.

so its whitesnake with less civil rights?