Hope it's not against the rules to bump my topic here, but we're still looking and hiring within my studio, Pixel Punk Productions!
I figured, as well, I could give more information on what I had in mind, in order to help build anticipation or increase interest in working on the project.
The game will be developed in Godot Engine for Linux, Windows and Android. It'll largely be a pixel art action adventure rpg with metroidvania style progression. The plot is a post cyberpunk story with elements of SciFi horror. Very nanomachine oriented.
I will begin an itch.io devblog soon and detail more of the lore and world building there. For this thread I'll try to stick with technical details.
Pixel Punk Productions will not take credit for any contributions to the game. All developers involved in the title will be credited with their real names first and foremost, or chosen screen name, whichever is preferred. The name of the collective will simply be used for convenience sake when referring to our team collectively.
We are currently still hiring and still highly interested primarily in Godot Programmers and Artists. All artists. And Devs of all experience levels will be given full consideration. I am in charge of organizing the effort. If you are unsure of what or how you can contribute, I can find you a spot, no worries.
Under my belt and for display as my experience... I have roughly 18 years as an amateur videogame developer and pixel artist. With around 500 pages of sprite comics under my belt of every genre, from high fantasy to cyberpunk. My sprite comic "Dungeons and Dumbasses" was particularly well Recieved. I also did a fairly high production shadowrun comic, though it was short lived. I began work through Rpg maker 2000 in the early wild West days of the internet and simply never stopped while many others did. To many others this is a hobby. To me, it is my job.
The most recent work on the plot and games by me and my writer was today. We are working on an official game design document to keep the team unified and cohesive. I have pages of lore written. I am also pixelling and photoshopping the graphics together and doing the brunt of the code.
So, I'll say again, we're still hiring, we're still looking, we are very serious about this. In time, I also plan on working out a bounty system. The most challenging parts of development will have crypto currency rewards offered for those who can solve them. However this is still in the planning phase right now and I would like to avoid working on the game too heavily for profit and forgetting our passion.
Please get a hold of me if any of this interests you. You are free to give working with us a trial run as well. No pressure and no obligations necessary.
You can leave a message here, or email me at clark.k@tech-center.com
I am also Coinspinner#8815 via discord.
Hoping to hear from some of you soon, and I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this update. I plan on starting an itch devlog and page for the game, etc in due time. If I seem scant on certain details, it's simply to protect the secrets of the IP. :)
Thank you all and have a wonderful day!