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No joke man but the name of the beer is hoegaarden = Hoe Garden? LoL

10cans should put you into a sleep? Hmmm~~~ I like it so mucu that I can take advantage while you're asleep. ๐Ÿ˜‰

hefeweizen huh? The name doesn't ring any bell, I'll make sure to let you know if I'm happened to see it somewhere.

The foods are just salmon pickled, deep fried small shrimp and ahhhh some meatballs. xD

So the availabilities are 100ml, mine is 500ml and the huge 1 is 3000ml. It was just a quick meal so I took only 4 mugs of the 500ml. Also 500ml took me 2 gulps, it's not that bad. The beer it's self tasted good. Cant deny it.

Salty and warm? Should I at least taste mine first? Geez I'm dead tho.. LOL

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oh god mate... taking advantage here refers to kissing and cuddling. I'm not a kinky person. My action towards people is pure romantic. I see you would cuff me and counter attack huh? LOL

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For me just hugging or hand over the shoulder while walking is enough. I don't need to go into that deep.๐Ÿ˜‚

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what if I let you dominated me like Logan... Will you?

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that was sober me... LOL

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