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When will this game be released for either rom demo download, to purchase a full game rom download or to buy on cartridge?  I really love the look of the game. It looks really addictive ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi IanB! Thanks for the comment... The game is actually almost finished but I struggled to add comlynx support and then I started other projects. 2022 looks reasonably good for a release, hopefully we will be able to do it both physically and  as rom :)

Thanks for the reply. I'll be looking forward to buying bombercats next year either on cartridge or a rom to put on my game drive. Can't wait as it looks like a game I'll play for hours and I love the atari lynx, cats and also bomberman on either the nes or snes so will be very happy when you release in 2022 ๐Ÿ™‚