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I genuinely hate my own mother. She’s so fckn manipulative and abusive. I’ve told her on multiple occasions what I think she should improve on to make our relationship better and she told me what I should improve on but here’s the issue. The things she told me were things that had nothing to do with our relationship but rather making me “perfect” and she said she would try to be better but so far she hasn’t done a single one of the things I asked her to improve on while she’s out here giving me crap about not doing what she asked. Like how hypocritical is that. Gosh if she weren’t my mother I would slap her across the face with the mighty power of goddamn zeus. How do I get into that thick skull of hers that  the way she’s treating me is not okay.

Do you have any friends or adults that you trust that can help you out?

well yes but idk she feels a bit distant from me now. She's also really busy with college.

well maybe ask her if she has any free time if she could call you or text you or something

ok thanks

no problem