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you guys should be happy... You should enjoy your youth after the graduation. Since you guys are 21, so it matches perfectly to After Class's MC, Walter.

Ngl, university life sucks for me. Working life fits well with me. Eating out, being social and of course drinking... Hahahaha

I guess m the oldest here tho. I'm already 26, museum will come and take me soon because I'm ancient AF... LoL

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Disclaimer is still a disclaimer... Lol

Me: enjoy my life as much as I can hahaha

Disclaimer: Do not follow me. 🤣

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Nope mate, I'm half Chinese half Cambodian.

Born and live in Cambodia.

Haha I love Thai beer because it's pronounced Tai....

If you catch my drift 😅


I'm 26 as well. 😅😅😅

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oh, I wonder where Jash is from? 

I never met anyone from Cambodia before (and believe me, i have friends in lots of countries lol)

(before anyone ask, I'm from Brazil lol) 

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