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Level 1 was okay.

Level 2 feels badly broken. Losing your pistol makes no sense as you only climbed a ladder. The shotgun may or may not use up ammo when fired. The outside zombies are just randomly there. The flashlight is terrible, barely illuminating anything whatsoever. The zombies in the structure are immune to the shotgun as they seem to have a shield over them. The red fog is "artificial difficulty" coupled with the awful flashlight. I could see a carpet sticking through the wall if I followed the building outside, but couldn't find a way to it from inside if it's supposed to be a room. It's just walls & darkness that seems to just loop around. Plus the structure zombies, aside form being immune, kill you in 2 hits.

Checkpoints. Playing an entire level over only wastes the player's time. I have yet to figure out what to do in the metal hallways & having to replay the full level when I die only make
s me not want to try again.

There's potential here but it's not really working right in its current state.

Thanks for the honest reveiw!

sorry for the quality of the game.. it was too ambitous. also it acted as a way for me to learn the tools of unity.