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Prompt 3 : 

It seems as though the game is telling a story about the potential dangerousness of the outside world, and seeking shelter with those you can trust and who care is an important rule to live by. The game starts the player outside during a violent earthquake and once the player interacts with the nearest sprites they tell the player to seek shelter to escape the earthquake. The most immediately available shelter, though, is not very welcoming. The interior is strange and confusing with little, unfriendly cherry people zooming about and unapproachable furniture that immediately seats you at a table if you try to interact with it or sends you straight to the door leading back outside. Once you leave this house, the subsequently nearest one is Dr. McDonald's, an unsightly house locked from the inside. To be completely honest I fail to guess at the meaning of this visual symbolism, though it was funny for some reason. After attempting to enter the haunted McDonald residence, the next nearest and final shelter awaiting the player is the one where the game ends. Once inside, you as the player can interact with all the hearts inside who welcome and embrace you and congratulate you on finding a shelter from the earthquake where you can be both safe and comfortable. In conclusion it seems as though the game aims to convince the player that it is rewarding to spend time looking for some sort of shelter that is safe from the outside but also within from harmful forces.