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(1 edit) (+1)

Man this game had a really good atmosphere. Liked how you can't shoot while moving or reloading. It gave me a hardcore feeling. the game also made me explore the map a bit which was fun. Liked the lighting & sfx too. 

But I had problems with feedback about losing health and stamina. and does the player lose health slowly over time? cause I think that's what was happening to me...

overall this is one of the better games of the jam I played so far!

Thank you for the kind feedback! The way you were losing health over time was due to you having low sanity, this value is lowerd when you are in the presence of an enemy and the lower the sanity value, the more health you lose over time. The sanity value does regenerate over time when you are not in range of the enemies. Stamina is lost when holding shift and moving (sprinting) and regenerates while still or walking but at half the rate for the latter.