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Starting off the main theme of the game is a simple Open world Lego style rpg. I for one am not much of a fan of rpgs. But if you are then this game might be for you. As mentioned, the graphics are nice but simple and the characters are all made of Lego. Since there are little to no instructions, I found myself very confused as to what I had to do. I then started again and figured out how to play.

The movement controls are hard to get used to considering it is also the attack and interact button. You do all 3 of these by just clicking. From one accidental misclick you can get yourself stuck or going where do didn’t mean to. The minimap is also confusing because when you are going left, you go down on the minimap. Overall, the game is confusing and not interesting in my opinion. You probably wouldn’t want to play this game unless you are really interested in this kind of game. I rate this game 5/10.