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(1 edit)

Prompt 1:

In the game Alien Dungeon, space is organized in a non-constant way. There are both scenes with high ceilings that involve many platforms, and there are also scenes with low ceilings and minimal platforms. Within each scene, these platforms, or just the ground, is organized in such a way that they lead you to an exit somewhere else within the scene, whether that be climbing upwards to find this exit or just walking along the ground. What this means is that they are either on the ground level within the scene or are somewhere within the scene that is only accessible through climbing. Considering that the speed of the character is very fast and the height of the jumps of the character are really high, I would say that the character feels most natural in scenes where the space is organized by highly separated platforms. In contrast to this are the scenes with the low ceilings where the player constantly hits their head on the ceiling if they jump. Moreover, the character feels most natural in the “wider” scenes, especially the first scene in the very large open dungeon space. The more “narrow” scenes, considering that this is a 2D platformer, would be the scenes with the low ceilings in small dungeon spaces that are almost like hallways to other dungeons. Some real world analogues are running and jumping; however, these feel very fictional compared to real life with how high and fast these runs and jumps are in the game compared to real life. Specifically, the jumping of the character relative to the character's height is highly unrealistic. The space within this game is continuous as the character is not limited to certain positions and certain moves. The player can run and jump around the scene essentially anywhere as where the character is depends on the left and right as well as jump input from the player. Lastly, the player does collide with things such as the ground, wall, and the ceilings, from which they simply bounce off. The player also collides with aliens, and these aliens sometimes squish or sometimes produce dialog or an emote. The trigger in this case would be running and jumping into the trigger area of these aliens that are over the space that the alien alone occupies.