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I'm just at the part of the game where it opened up a bit more, and I was curious about something. Is it intended for me to use my powers on every girl where it's an option, or are there ways of getting with them without the powers?

So far it seems like a bad thing that I'd used it on Chloe and Gwen. I feel actively discouraged from using them if not strictly necessary.

At it's core this game is a mind control game.
Although not as hard as some people into mind control have stated.

If the game prompts you to use a power, you have to. 
Sometimes you're given other options, but it's rare.

Also Shatter isn't used that much, it isn't intended to be used that much either.

I reckon that lore-wise, some of the stories would work without the use of powers. But they would also take a lot longer and would be a really slow burn.

People get impatient.