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There might be some spoilers, so if you don't want any best not to read any more

I must say you really do have a good amount of content here. With the chats with Cecille. And when Vi asked about falling for Cecille, ouch. I must say those bed chats really get you attached to her. And then Sera has the same curse as Cecille at the very end. If there are going to be bed chats with her, I can tell you I will get attached to her as well. As this is only just the beginning of the work. I can see so many ways you can take this and add new features. Like, Cecille kept saying that hero must breed her. But what would happen if a Demon knocks her up? If a demon can get someone knocked up. I could also see more hard choices like the one Vi asked, like if there was an option to betray the demon king/side with the hero. Or betray the demon king and become the new demon king. There are so many ways you can take this, and you built a really good foundation.

(1 edit) (+4)

Thank you for the comment!

I'm very happy that you enjoyed it.

Yeah, you're on to it. What you said is more or less what I have planned. There will be more choices like that to determine the outcome of the story.

The dynamic with Sera will be different than Cecille, but she will also have bed events to explore her backstory some more. 

I'm currently working on that for the second update.