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Two kingdoms in war. After many years the king of one of the kingdoms offers peace, but the other is very sceptical. During the mission of peace the king orders his eldest son to kidnap his rival's daughter and to use her a hostage to keep the peace and some advantage over his adversary.

After some time the prince finally returns home triumphant, but hesitant. The other king had discovered everything and he and his men almost died trying to escape from him. The prince's father excitedly opens the chest brought by his son, expecting to see his nemesis' daughter, only to see a slender young man inside.

The king is confused. He orders a explanation. The prince comes forward. He says that he thought that the other king only male heir would be far more worth to him than one of his daughters. The king is very upset, but he understands.

Little he knows that the young man wanted to be kidnapped. He had an arranged wedding coming soon, with a princess that he hated. The young prince wanted to escape his rigid father and his insipid bride so badly, that when he discovered the other prince's plan he eagerly proposed to help him escape, but with a condition, to take him instead of his sister.

"Please, take me with you!" 

The young man pleaded while holding the other's hands. Both brushed. Their faces were just inches apart. Something really had sparked between them that night and since that day something still was happening between the two.

The king couldn't understand why so sudden his son wanted so badly to share a room with that prince. 

"Why does he spends so much time with him?" He thought.

But as in the Iliad and in some other classics, the kidnapping of a young royal always has consequences. The other king wants his only male heir back and he is willing to fight for him.

bro it’s almost 1 am I am not reading all of that.

Oh dude-Go to bed!!!! 

no way not when RIPD is on tv