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That was pretty cool! Spoiler alert to those reading that haven't played:




I chuckled because there came the part of "Feed Them," and when I did that I tried to escape, in vain of course because you cannot exit the room that way---and the monster just kinda stood politely in the doorway looking down at me LOL.  After having a brief staring contest with that thing, I backed up, and then it came inside and got me. I figure that's a bug but I didn't even care, I enjoyed it haha.

Also, the premise behind this game is fkn rad, because we've all heard weirdass stories about glitches in the matrix and liminal spaces involving weird playground slides. I once read one about a really young kid who went down a waterslide at a Six Flags somewhere, and although he did end up being found alive & well, he never came out the other end of the slide. He went in, started to go down, vanished for like 45 minutes, and was seen on the opposite end of the park. His dad waited for him to come down. It was not physically possible for him to have gone from point A to point B in that time period. Wild.

Anyways, cool game & I enjoyed it~