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With more and more story to be unfold...

If that game already had its full build I'd definite for sure buy that VN immediately.

Curiosity kills me. 😢

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haha I just can't, I'm having like 5-6 Patrons already now 😅

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My Visa can't seem to have Anti-Furry VN...

I can't go back now since being ah Patron has early access to the latest update.

Haha normally I dont seem to Interact in any discord groups, I just go there to check for the latest update only. LOL

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indeed my friend indeed! 😁

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(1 edit)

haha that's a fact my man...

To speak the truth, great VNs do helping me go through some difficult times.

Sometimes m glad I have time to go through those storyline and put mineself as  a perspective? So so much that I forgot everything and follow the storyline. 

Quite a journey but hey, quite fun.. haha

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