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(1 edit)

Great so far and I love how u took the concept of a certain movie and decided to give it a dark twist. If it's as good as your other vn than great. But like I said on the other one I hope you give us some fleshed out morally questionable if not straight up evil choices with a more fleshed out dark ending as well as a more altruistic path. And when I say dark ending I don't mean death or something. I'm the type that like to roleplay a certain character based on how a character starts as as well as the events they go through whether I'm a good guy with the interest of those around me or I'm a self centered dude only interested in the satisfaction of himself that will take any opportunity to do as he pleases.

Sure, Eternum will be much bigger than OiaLt, which means that everything goes a bit slower, but there will be a lot more sex scenes, and also more fleshed out endings

Thanks for the info but if its as good as the last one I doubt you need the extra sex scenes but I'm not one to complain about that. I'm more interested in a good story than anything honestly. I just started following you this morning and have been think of joining your patreon soon. Any way keep up the good work.


Well, thank you so much in advance in case you end up supporting the project!
And no worries, I'll try to create the best story I'm able to write for Eternum 😁