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"Uh..hey...I'm Lorine" 


Name: Lorine "Blaze" Sherman

 Nickname(s): Blaze

 Age: 16

 Gender: Female (she/her)

 Sexuality: Bisexual

 Birthday: 6/6

 Species: demon

 Powers: fire powers?


 Languages Spoken: all launguages known to man


 Height: 5'6


 Hair Color: black and red

 Eye Color: red

 Skin Color: tan

 Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): none

 Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc):normal

 Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): uhm..idk

 Other Forms:none

 Facial Shape:round

Body Shape: idk

 Additional Notes:dangerous when angery


Brief Description: scary,violent,juvenile

 First Impression: mean

 Once you get to know them: nice to you and other people she knows well

 Default Expression: disturbed

 MBTI Personality Type: idk

 Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert?: Ambiver

 Alignment(lawful evil, chaotic good, etc): chaotic evil

 Habits: nail biting

 Fears: none

 Intelligence: 148

 Pet Peeves: hang nails


《 Religion: uhm-

 Thoughts on government:  "yucky"

 Thoughts on people in general: "I like some of them.."

 Moral: none tet

 Do they believe in: 

 Ghosts?  Yes

 Aliens? Yes

 Cryptids? Yes

 Conspiracy theories? Sometimes

 Anything else I didn't mention? 

 Superstitions:  none


 Voice Description: kind of deep..she sounds like Willow Smith a little bit 

 Head-Canon Voice: idk what that is-

 Accent: American

 Speech Patterns: none really

 Do they parrot people? (repeat phrases other people say): yes

 Most used phrases/words: Slang they use: "down bad", "#girlboss","bestie","open the door..o-or I'm gonna throw rocks at the window you dumb wh*re"

 Swearing?: YES

 Do they think before they speak?: not constantly

 Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?: no.

 Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): YES YES YES

 Humor: dark.


 Occupation: Student

 Thoughts on occupation: hates

Dream Job: a singer

 Education: high school

 Past Relationships: none

 Current Relationships: none

 Family: A father,mother..a.sister..the basics

 Hometown: uhm..Helltown?

 Current Residence:a house :)


 Financial Status: pretty rich

 Source of Money: allowance

 Health: pretty stable

 Past Life/Backstory: ErrOr

 Current Life: uh-


 Likes: music

 Dislikes: sticky tape

 Favorite Food: Chicken nuggets

 Favorite Animal: snake

 Favorite Color: red

Favorite Movie Genre: Comedy

 Favorite Book Genre: fiction

 Favorite Style of Music: ROCK

 Least Favorite Food: brussel sprouts

 Least Favorite Animal: dove

 Least Favorite Color:neon pink

 Least Favorite Movie Genre: cheesey rom-coms

 Least Favorite Book Genre: non-fiction

 Least Favorite Style of Music: county

 Hobbies: drawing,singing,writing poems


 Song that fits character's personality: Deathcamp by Tyler The Creator

 Song that fits character's story: Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls

 Social Media Account they would have and what type it would be: A twitter meme acc

 Typical Hours of Sleep: 3

 Aesthetic: grunge

 How they Type: "Tbh I wanna die #girlboss #nokizzy😝😘😜"

 Zodiac: idk man

 Worst nightmare they've had: none

 Best Dream they've had: stage diving and yeah-
