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The game play on this game, and subsequently the game loop of the game is actually really fun, its nice to shoot zombies while dodging them but killing them fast enough to not attack the center tree. The problems in the game however are in its movement, with glitching into the ladders and such, as well as the amount of zombies spawning, there just is not  enough coming at once for it to be a challenge to a play, or there is no build up with challenge. Overall tho good game


Thanks a lot for your comment.

I know there's some buggy stuff like the ladder behaviour and zombies coming down ladders (which was not supposed to happen). Zombies not spawning more than one time on a lane was unfortunately done because they were causing problems otherwise. Would certainly try and fix these bugs in the future though.


I still say its impressive, its not easy to make a game, especially under such a strict time limit~