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Full Name: Lynn Rhodes

Nicknames:Linn, Lenny, Creampuff and L

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Birthday: 6th July

Species: human

Powers: none

Ethnicity: British 

Languages Spoken: English and Very broken Japanese 


Height: 5”10

Weight: 179 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue/Light Blue

Skin Color:White with a tan

Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): Small scar on his cheek, a couple of scars on his body too

Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): Normal 

Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): Large Pupils 

Other Forms: None

Facial Shape: Unsure

Additional Notes (optional): None 


Brief Description: He’s a lil softy who’s just looking for friends, he is going through a tough school year and he’s clumsy 

First Impression: Cold, shy and sad

Once you get to know them: Cute, funny and soft

Default Expression: Frown

MBTI Personality Type: Eh?

Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert?: Introverted 

Alignment(lawful evil, chaotic good, etc): Chaotic good 

Habits:Calling friends’hun’

Fears: Heights, the ocean and cats

Intelligence: Eh he’s a lil dumb

Pet Peeves: Smokers


Religion: Atheism 

Thoughts on government: ‘Eh it’s the government they know well’

Thoughts on people in general:‘people are good r-right?’

Moral: be nice

Do they believe in: none of the below




Conspiracy theories?

Anything else I didn't mention?



Voice Description: Smooth but light, almost like a woman’s 

Head-Canon Voice: Sauve

Accent(if any): a lil British 

Speech Patterns: A lil stuttering 

Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): no

Most used phrases/words: Eh

Slang the use: none

Swearing?: If needed

Do they think before they speak?: not much

Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?:yes

Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc):yes

Humor: a bit dry


Occupation: School 

Thoughts on occupation: ‘it’s s-school…I can’t really let this go to W-waste’

Dream Job: Engineer 

Education: Well yknow

Past Relationships: none

Current Relationships:none

Family: Only child 

Hometown: Cherrywood

Current Residence: School dorm


Financial Status: broke

Source of Money: Begging/prostitution 

Health: Alright 

Past Life/Backstory: None 

Current Life:…


Likes: People, Dogs, Asian culture 

Dislikes: Cats, Horror Movies 

Favorite Food: Sushi

Favorite Animal: Wolves 

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Movie Genre: Rom-Com

Favorite Book Genre: Fantasy 

Favorite Style of Music:Soft

Least Favorite Food: Anything Fatty 

Least Favorite Animal: Cats

Least Favorite Color: Green ‘it’s too…toxic looking…’

Least Favorite Movie Genre: Horror

Least Favorite Book Genre: Realism

Least Favorite Style of Music: Rock

Hobbies: Drawing 


Song that fits character's personality:

Song that fits character's story: none

Social Media Account they would have and what type it would be: Very personal, but privated

Typical Hours of Sleep: 3-6

Aesthetic: Soft colours

How they type: ‘Hey Ann! I Can’t really come to class as I have a nose bleed, sorry!’

Zodiac: idk-

Worst nightmare they've had: All his friends dying by his hands

Best Dream they've had: unsure





can you write a bio


M e r c u r y

Age: 16

Personality:Stupid but nice

Personality (when you get to know them) :

Funny, Adorable


"I'm an moron and I don' know anything, prove me otherwise bitc-"

"Yeah I may be stupid but you're stupid.. -er..? AAHHHHH-"

Occupation: School

Favorite Color: Purple/ Pastel Pink

Voice: Light and soft, extremely soft. 

Sexuality: Poly/Bi

Species: ???

Height: 4" 10

Accent: Irish


Uhhh you start

Mercury was talking to her friends outside her school

lynn was near by, looking at his phone, frowning

Mercury started laughing at something