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Katsuki was in Peter's room as well, sitting on the floor, reading as well.

(1 edit)

Peter asked the question that Katsuki always knew was inevitably coming. 

"quietly What was the village like today...?" 

"Boring as always."

"Oh-c'mon Katsuki-I know you think it's boring but I'm not even allowed to go near it-and I'll never see it-so can you just tell me what it was like today...? Please?" 

He looked at the spikey yellow blob that was his brother. 

"Okay well um-it was kinda boring, how about that huh?"

He looked at Peter.

He groaned

"Details, Kats, PLEASE!"

".....Ugh..okay well, the flower shop was open, the same lady was working there. Um-the apple stand was open-ummm-"

"What did it look like!? W-Was it raining!?" 

Peter loved the rain-the smell and sound of it...

"It was raining actually-"

"Wait seriously? Welp-I'm gonna go to the gardens-seeya-"