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okay story time-

i love telling stories :3


One day, little annoying rata Natalia was at home, watching TV with her mother, and she started coughing. Uh oh. Her mother turned and looked at her and said in Spanish : "Are you cold?" And I said. "No, but I'm really hot." ...NEVER. EVER-EVER SAY THAT TO MY MOTHER. She then got up, grabbing a blanket from my room, and started making tea..I coughed more. and more. and more. Then-I started feeling really bad. Soooooo-she took me to the doctors. They told her I had bronchitis. ........I stayed home for a week. Taking medicine. Then I got my mom sick-um-my sister was staying away from us-and yeah. Now..Natalia is at her mothers office, with her sister, Listening To I/Me/Myself by Will Wood. Coughing-So. Yeah. 



i promise i'm not on crack uwuuwuwuwuwuuw