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A few things - playing on PC - can't load a save from the starting main menu. So I had to start a new game, and then load in after the skip. not a big deal, but a bit annoying. Which brings up the next glitch - when you load in from the skip, the "go other places" option on the HUD is visible - not usable, of course, nowhere else to go - but it caught me off guard the first time. Last thing - because the health, magic, and lust bars aren't numbered anywhere, it's hard to understand what leveling up does, exactly. After 5 levels, it certainly felt like Linda was more durable in general, but only barely in several fights (the slimes felt like they were leveling with me, frankly, and were no easier or harder to beat at any given level, and the rope using kobold is always a menace, though he was a occasionally beatable one after the 4th level.)
Using spells to encourage enemy behavior is a very interesting element to strategy, so kudos for that. Setting armor to determine statistics is also interesting - but it also felt a little limiting. depending on how you want the game to progress, it might be a good idea to tweak stats to be "relative" rather than absolute, or trainable, perhaps? like, wear an outfit for an entire level, it gets a hidden +1 mastery, which does something - either hand coded (like level 1 mastery in the rags gets you +5 Sexy, lv 2 is +1 defense, and level max is +5 sexy), or functional - like [each level in the rags adds +1 Defense, +10%*character level Sexy, +5% Resistance, rags level caps at 3]. (I'm assuming the Stat Blocks are worth something like 5 or 10 points a piece, so +3 Defense isn't even a full block). This is mostly so that monsters you are over-level to can be dispatched relatively quickly if the player wants to.