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How do you get credits in this game as I'm just wandering around the new ark trying to figure it out but I can't 

(1 edit)

If you begin the game and start at character customization, if you go over to “Stat mods”, you can get max stats and max credits attainable, but do that if you want! Helps with the credit issue for sure, though~ Edit: Or you can continuously go to the strip club and strip, and the more aroused you are and the higher the erotic stat you have, the more amount of credits you can obtain and consistently obtain said amount!


Like the previous reply said, or get a bunch of food (apples from forest park work fine) and give it to the hobo in the slum area where you can rest. You can give him food once per rest/day and at some point he will tell you a secret about the bar, follow up on that to get a source of money and a good skill.

Deleted 1 year ago