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(2 edits) (+2)

Hi! I'm a huge fan of your work, Will you add more gay content in the next update?... It would be nice also to see different kind of bodies (height, weight...), kiss scenes, threesomes, npcs discovering being cheated 😂, youngsters dating themselves (not only parents), the possibility to have a gf/bf... there you are some of my ideas... I really enjoy your game! 


Hello Camsi! I'm glad that you're enjoying playing Influencing! :D

So, I'm always working to add as much content as possible on each update! Right now I'm working on voyeur interactions, public sex, and other parts of the codes.
About the gay content, it's being gradualy added as patrons vote on Patreon. I let patrons guide this part of the game according with their interest. But in the end everything will be added for sure! As much content as we can have!
About the different kinds of body, It's was not a priority for me due to the exponential amount of work that it would bring to me. I was prioritizing add new mechanics to improve the gameplay. After some changes in game, it's starting to become viable to be done in short time! I already have the codes for height ready in game (just not visible yet in game) and about the weight/muscles, I have the mechanic ready, I just need to write down the code and draw the variations! Draw variations for all positions is what will take some time. But will be done for sure!
About threesomes and npcs discovering being cheated, I'm already working on it. Maybe on v0.1.8 or v0.1.9 it will be implemented! :D
The relationship thing is something that I need to work better. I've made a system where you can have one relationship status, but I think players will want to have a polygamous relationship way... Haha
One more, Thanks a lot for playing Influencing! It makes me really happy when players enjoy Influencing!