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(My English is very poor, please forgive me)

Words cannot describe how much I love this game.

When I first started playing, both the characters and the game's gameplay of changing the plot through options hit me precisely.

At the end of the game, when I saw Tragedy embracing with her lover, I just cannot hold my tears.

There are too many desperate bad endings in life, but there is always hope existing, just like Tragedy said "Happy endings shouldn't always come easily, reality is not so kind".

We will suffer all kinds of hardships in life, but I believe we will all eventually get our own Good Ending!

With "THEIR song", I write this comment from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you, NomnomNami!

Very much appreciate it that you let us experience such a touching story.

I hope NomnomNami and everyone in this world will have their own Good ending!

I will forever believe that the love can overcome everything!