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hello female

oh wow

You are so funny and original 

Does this make you feel better

When you're alone at night, stuck with your thoughts do you say to yourself "jee wiz i sure am glad i harassed that trans kid today" does it fulfill that gaping void left in your soul from those years of feeling like you weren't good enough?

is this boosting your painfully low self esteem? Do you finally feel valid and worthy of love? 

i feel like your someone who take jokes seriously

i feel like you're someone who thinks transphobia is funny 

i hate transphobia

then why did you just do something transphobic you knob 

you want me to eat myself?

how do i do that mister?


Bro acting stupid will not get you out of this situation, its literally so easy to juet admit you did something wrong and move on oml, i can tell you've never really been called out on this sort of behavior before but that doesn't mean you can just go around saying whatever to whoever you want without consequence 


I did something vewy bad amd im a bwad pewson 😭

oh wow, this is such a creative comback

I bet this wins you anlot of arguments right??