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Prompt 3: The game Don’t Get Fired includes various font styles and effects to convey different portions of the story, and this helps evoke various emotions from players. In the first few lines of the game, players are met with the onomatopoeia of an alarm clock going off. The creator used several different methods to accentuate the beeps. Firstly, they used all caps to make the font seem larger, the font is a bright red to provide a stark contrast with the blue background, and the words are shaking. The combination of these effects provides a jarring experience for the reader like that of an actual alarm clock. In the rest of the story, there are different words scattered throughout the text that are bolded to bring attention to those specific phrases and keywords. For example, the second “page” of the story boldens the word “rush” as it is a very important aspect of the game, and the concept is the very source of why the main characters gets fired or doesn’t get fired. In the successful version of the game, the phrase “[Your] boss is even more proud” is bolded. This is another example of how the creator brings focus through the usage of bold font because the phrase signifies that the reader has reached a goal of the game. Finally, in a route where the reader does not choose to go after their briefcase, the main character realizes that they need their briefcase due to an important work related affair. However, since they didn’t bring their briefcase, they panic. This emotion is communicated by putting the font in all caps and shaking letters. While these choices do not necessarily change the meaning of the paragraphs, they guide readers in picking out the important parts of the text that are really important to the reader’s immersion into the story.