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Prompt 2: The player has a lot of choices in this story.  Since we are going to Disney World, we have plenty of choices from parks to attractions. Players are free to choose whichever park or attractions they want. Some other options that are different from choosing your entertainment are that players also have a choice to go back to the previous step (to back to a park or choose a different park). There is an option as showing the tickets to the park. I think it is very interactive because this option and the mechanics of clicking on the text make me feel like I am at the entrance of a park. Another interesting option is to go home. I think the designer link each attraction to a certain area of a park, area to the park, and park to the place to choose which park we are going to. Players could definitely go back to where they come from, it is just like you are walking in Disney World and hopping on and off an attraction. As a player, I do want to go back because I want to explore all the areas of a park, all attractions, and all the parks.  The overall shape of the story is similar to a theme park experience where players are immersed in the experience. The vivid description of how a person feels with each ride makes me feel like I am at a “virtual  Disney World”. Players get this experience by reading this interactive story. Again, the shape of this story definitely connects with the theme because people would go back and forth and explore each park in Disney World.