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Prompt 2: Describe how the passages are organized.  “To feed or not to feed” is a game of decisions and compromise.  The game begins with a brief intro to introduce the player to their environment and circumstances.  The player is introduced to the general format of the game.  There is a short paragraph with the setting/circumstances of the player.  The first passage introduces the notion that the player has 4 portions of food and that they are on a beautiful lakeshore path with plenty of nature.  The first passage also introduces the general structure of most passages in the game.   The game is based upon the player being given a setting in the first paragraph and then another paragraph about an animal that you could either feed or not feed, hence the title “To feed or not to feed”.  This is the format for the remainder of the passages but instead of a setting, the first paragraph is typically the result of your decision to feed or not to feed each animal.  There is also a setting added to remind the player of how many portions of food remain.  Each animal provides a slightly different prompt and outcome.  Typically there are only two options, to feed or not to feed and the player can anticipate these options, that is until the bear arrives and gives the player no option but to feed.  The game does allow you to reverse your options, but I don’t this that is the intention of the game.  The player must strategically choose which animals to feed for success.  The shape of the story is like a flower where each decision has small offshoots but stick to the main stem.  The theme of the game is to be generous but not too generous, making this game have some strategy involved.