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To tell the truth, I am at a loss for words writing this review. This game is nothing short of perfection and deserves to be a collegiate template on how to masterfully engross a reader. The fact that in all my years of reading, I have never resonated with a character as much as I have with the character of Zach. His psychoanalyses of characters and general Laissez-Faire attitude coupled with his crippling anxiety and overthinking speaks to me. While I can also personally connect to some of the traits of Mikhail such as his emotional stoicism, while also resonating with Ash's inability to see social cues while also being an excellent thespian. To top it off, Branden's meticulous manipulations speaks volumes to my own personal ability to do the same. I don't care what anyone who has anything negative to say about this book and y'alls ability to perfectly capture the reader. While I know this book will soon come to an end as to quote a very strong and passionate character, "nothing lasts forever" this book has personally changed my perception on how I've been living. I hope the two of you have good health in any endeavors that lay ahead in the near future as this book deserves the crown of best storytelling this site has ever seen.

I read this comment a few days ago on my phone and wanted to respond thoughtfully but, like you, I'm still sorta at a loss for words as well. So I'll say thank you and hope that it lands with the sincerity that I intend. This was just a really humbling post. I'm glad you had a good experience with it so thanks. I wish good health and safety to you as well <3