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I am not. 


thou art welcome

ayuagyfy I-


You're at home resting from hero business as currently there are no villains around. You turn on the tv and just as you open it the news has report of an attack just starting out nearby

"Oh you've GOT to be kidding me-" 

She got up with a sigh, brushing off her skirt and adjusting her hero costume that she HADN'T EVEN HAD TIME TO TAKE OFF-But you know that was fine, it was totally fiiiineeeeee-she got up and flew out of the house, sky darkening in a 15 foot patch around her as a warning, light rain falling 

You see the villain standing on top of a car with a lot of people surrounding her

"Look who finally showed up."

She came to halt, hovering above her with clenched fists, the dark storm clouds around her growing darker as the rain poured down, pelting the villain. Thunder rumbled as she glared down at her 

"Make this easy on yourself and give up this fight! Come quietly and the punishment you receive may not be as severe-" 

"Hmmm let me think about it... yeah that sounds boring so nope."

She sighed

"Alright then, guess we're doing this the hard way-" 

She raised her hand, sending a bolt of lightning crashing down from her dark skies, aiming to strike the villain- 

Something blocks the way to the villain. Oh look at that it's a fried human body floating just above the villain

(Crow can you make a group for the dnd campaign to make everything eezyer)