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Stand Name: The Entity 

Stand Master: Draco  Shinigami

Stand Ability: Omni Command 

The Omni Command Ability is a boost for The Entity, Using the souls of the people who have tried to harm him, and in which he killed, he will have a Power Boost, until the point where he becomes to powerful, and practically invincible, and almost unstoppable!

Power: S

Speed: B

Durability: ♾

Range: A

Precision: B

Potential: ♾

Appearance: Well, His Stand basically represents the Grim Reaper, kinda, he has the Cloak, And Cape and black outfit, but he doesn’t have a skull for a head, in fact, it doesn’t even have a head, well, not exactly, it’s invisible, but the only thing you can see from it is Fire coming from where his eyes should be.

Colors: Black and White

Weight: It is uncertain, but it’s around 500-550…

Height: 8’1

How to Obtain The Stand: Well Actually, There is no Way to earn this exact stand, Draco made a deal with the Devil, because he was wrongly accused of murder, killed, and sent to hell, but he made a deal with the Devil to be the Next Demon of the Under World, and after years, He found his stand, The Entity… He still roams Earth though…