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Haha I think 1 screenshot should be enough for the trap.. lol

Nice trade tho...

So these were my VNs: When Stars Fall, Socially Awkward, Full Service, Extracurricular Activities and Robin Morningwood.

But as you know my top 1 is gotta be Sileo...

Nekojishi hahh... I came across that earlier, I was about to read it but there's no available for Android... You know I'm too lazy to read on my laptop. 🤣

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Yeah that would be laggy I guess? I'd prefer Reading that on my laptop later.

I dont have time yet to complete what I did mention, but yeah just taking time , hours by hours.

I dont want to rush everything, I'm afraid that I might have nothing left to read... Hahaha

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Ok mate I surrender... Hit me up with the emulator name... It is JoiPlay? 

Nekojishi looks legit to me especially that big buff Tiger haha... I need to try it out.

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haha well the storyline is somewhat different... But hey I've experienced reading lots of weird ass VNs... No surprise 🤣

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I just finished it all by skipping the same dialogues... With different endings...

Man.. I gotta say it's related to me so much as I'm half Chinese with 0 shit of knowing my half language (Mandarin)? 🤣

No more detail of that, just going through all the bad endings and ended up with all good endings at the end. 😁 Great storyline... Loving it so far. 

Depression comes first Happy Endings come laters.