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The player has options for choices at almost every moment. I say almost because the player critically does not make any choices when dealing with the consequences of their actions. The options or choices presented to the player remain constant throughout the game's story. The story offers the player the choice, as the title suggests, of whether or not they want to feed the various animals as they walk past them. I had a suspicion that I would constantly be asked whether I wanted to feed some animal or animals and that not feeding them would bring about some negative consequences. You are able to go back to previous places and make a different choice. After discovering that keeping all my food causes me to be killed by a moose I did want to go back and feed some of the animals. After reworking some of the choices I made previously I was able to get to a more favorable ending. The story felt very controlled. As the player, there was a certain level of freedom but only on the surface. Ultimately there were no real choices to meaningfully change how the story played out. The shape of the story was very linear with a simple start and a simple end. The main theme of the story seems to be simply walking the path. Literally and metaphorically the main character is forced to walk through the path and make choices that have unforeseen consequences that can only result in one end.