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"No, its okay..I get like that when nervous, its understandable, just hurry and sit! I'm excited-I mean, I've never been interviewed before!"

@Heh, I should've known, well my Rose, I'll keep the compliments coming!

He smiled a bit brightly and sat himself down, he was right, his hands twitched a small bit as he sat his books down, actually having a tad bit of trouble opening the book, but eventually does

"Oh really? I would've expected at least one interview!"


"Nope! Not a single one, this towns small..I mean, it isn't a lot of people here but people do talk so yeah, I guess I'm a bit popular but not as popular as deserving and interview!"

(1 edit)

@Aww, I wouldn't expect anything less from my beautiful Butterfly, the most wonderful person to exist..

"Oh you deserve a lot more than this! besides, after this you might need to hire some help, I've noticed some of your work, and wanted to know at least what type of technique you use, and yes I know Blacksmithing, just not like-, actually doing it, Hehe!"

@☺ Okay that one was actually sweet and adorable..god, what did I do too deserve youuuuu!?

"Well, my technique is..crafted hands and a creative mind..I mean if you have at least one of those you can succeed at the most rare things and even if you don't, you can train your train of thought or your hands to be better or you can just use what you have..if you have a casual brain thats find but if you can think creatively, out of the box. You can do so many more things..its really really not hard for me but I have maybe it has to do with that but trust me, being different or being out casted is definitely better then being normal..then again, is everyone normal?"

she smirked a bit, she intended to leave a very rare question a person would ask, after so, she took another sip of her tea.

@Well im glad to hear, and me? Zen...I'm so happy to have've been the best thing to happen to me in forever..

"Not at all, Everyone is different in their own way, even a simple person or villager can have something very unique about them. Take me for example, you wouldn't expect anything from me, now would you? But if you actually knew me, you would know I have trouble controlling my hands sometimes, and even just being able to use them at times, but that's what I love about myself, the more times I fail at being a journalist, the more I try, and the more I try, the more I will succeed in my journey."


"Well arent you a peculiar one..well, that was rhetorical question but of course, it was okay of you to answer, I agree but I also see, when kids are kids..they tend to have a more creative mindset then adults and thats because they are just exsiting-they know absolutely nothing about the world therefore, they are intrigued by certain things we are fimilar you wanna know what I think..?"

@Of course!!

"Well yes, but you can't expect the interviewer not to comment something similar as an answer, but I do see your point, and that's why I am here! go on and tell me what you think, I have all day."

He smiled and jotted down the rest of she said, looking back up at her...his finger twitching slightly...

@I LOVE YOUUIUUUUUUU-also are you tired love?

"Well, I think that adults tend to keeptheir creative mindset close..and I think that because they don't have time to have an imagination, they have to work, take care of kids..amybe some may not but most do..some are all alone so they don't dream of anything..some are just non-believers..but kids-kids don't have to think about stuff like that and that's why I think that kids are more creative and can do anything they want because most don't have a single worry in the world..but there are also a lot of adults who are very creative and can use it towards something..I mean everyone is creative there are just different things everyones more creative at..shall you agree-uhh..?"

She stopped at uhh cause she didnt know his name.

@I LOVE YOU TOOOOO-, and not exactly, Are you?

"Oh! Right, My apologies, I'm Alister, And yes I agree with you. Most kids don't have to worry about the slightest thing, and for good reasons to, and thats for the better. The fact some adults close that part of their mind is a little bit sad, but also understandable, Now if every adult was like that, then Everything might just be in chaos, so I believe it's actually a good thing that it happens, yet it is still wonderful to see people like you making this world just slightly better..-"

He shook her hand slightly before writing down things in the journal...well his hand felt soft...warm...and just nice in general..-