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B shivered as A hummed softly, almost dancing to the music as they brought the tea over to the table. B clenched their hands tightly, used to keeping themselves from flinching by now.

It had been months since they started this game - since A had caught B spying on them for information, since A had figured out the information was for their main rival, C. It didn’t matter that B was a civilian - not to a supervillain. A had decided to ‘keep’ B, having them play the part of eye candy hanging off of their arm during public events, going on dates, plastering their names on the tabloids. It was shameful, scandalous to have one’s name tied to a suspected villain. It was more shameful to know that A was that suspected villain.

“You look beautiful.” B was knocked out of their thoughts, looking fearfully up at A. A’s warm smile didn’t change as they tilted their head. “Do you like the outfit I’ve bought you?”

Bought. Bought with money that had been stolen from god knows where. B looked down at their clothing, sighing softly. “It’s... It’s nice,” they admitted quietly.

Pouting, A reached a hand to cradle B’s chin, turning their head so they would look each other in the eye. “I love you, you know,” A whispered softly, their thumb caressing B’s cheek. “I truly do.”

B took a deep breath, shutting their eyes. “No, you don’t,” they growled, shaking their head and waving A’s hand away. “You’re just saying that to get me to like you. You’re a liar.”

They ignored the sigh in response, the sound of A kneeling beside them and taking B’s hand in theirs. “I do not,” they replied. “Not about this.”

As B tried to pull away, A held them fast to the chair, not letting them escape. “Your friend did good by sending you after me,” they said breathlessly. “You’re perfect. You’re lovely. You’re mine, my dearest prize.”

There was only silence in response. B shut their eyes tight, trying to ignore A, fists clenched as they tried to shut them out.

A stood up, brushing stray hair behind B’s ear. “I can prove it,” they said finally. “Anything you wish, everything that I can give, I will give it to you. All that I cherish is you, and all that I have is yours.”

B’s eyes opened slowly, and they kept their face turned away so A wouldn’t see them beginning to cry. “My freedom,” they choked out. “If that’s true, then give me my freedom.”

A hissing intake of breath accompanied the soft, gentle touch on B’s cheeks, pulling them to face A’s eyes once again. “My dear... My love,” A whispered as they pressed their foreheads together. “You have never been more free.”

And deep in their heart, as they stared tearfully into A’s eyes, B knew that it was so unfortunately true.

ok that's great and wonderful but Mizuki is more of a attractive Villain who can both seduce you and make you want to run for your life at the same time while maniacally laughing and everyone else is screaming bloody murder. Though she knows when to cause a scene and when that wouldn't be a good idea. She's kinda messed up in the head. Plus her uh past troubles (?) would most definitely not allow her to just tell someone "I like you" or even let someone have the chance to get close to her. It's kind of difficult yk. But I do have many other villains if u like!

ooooooooooooooooo-lemme see some of your other villains gurl!! 


ok I'm too lazy to go through my whole ocs folder

I like threeeeeeeeeee-


Here's ma person-

oooh :D
