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I think that I wont be coming to this comment section anymore til the release ๐Ÿ˜‚

I want to play the day 8 aaaaaaaaaa (and since Andy don't put the schedule, who knows when it's coming lul)

(Also, I just hope that the story dont go to a extremely dark side, i mean, mystery is good, but I'm not prepared for too hard emotions lol)

(Oh, you also forgot about the weird phone call in Lars Day 8... Probably is the same weirdo... I don't think is parker, probably another person...)

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I mean I'll come everyday hoping that Andy released a gift for us... 

For patrons next is Lars day 9 which i think that will be very fun as well hehe

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I'm definitely gonna run past that Special Episode as soon as it release. ๐Ÿคช

I'm hangry for more contents... Can't wait!

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Hahaha sure sure... Just make the trap less spoil as much as possible yet maintain the thirst of it? 

Let's see how many cats' curiosity we can kill... ๐Ÿคฃ

Don't remember about the special episode โ€ขฬ โ€ฟ ,โ€ขฬ€

I can't support Patreon... Aaaaaaa *insert Naruto Sad song here*

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i know it's silly, and I thanks Andy to release the versions at one of the lowest tiers (is 3 dollars right) (that's really awesome from his part)

But damn, a dollar here is almost 6 times my currency... Ahhhh I hate international currency...

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Just only this got me like.... WHAT!!?!?!

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That's just a minor spoiler base on that (mostly my discussion is for the major plots of the story moving forward). The whole day 8 route experience is still different... M just picturing everything into 1 piece..

You can still enjoy the Gil Day 8 once it's out for public. ๐Ÿ˜


I'll consider that there is still surprises even with the amount of spoilers lmao

Aaaaaaa When? ๐Ÿ˜‚

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You know what...

Patrons are in a superior level... I give up ๐Ÿณ๏ธ...


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