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(1 edit)

Tw harm (not sh but my friend is harming herself)

Bascially my friend went through this big thing where this kid was bullying her, she was cutting herself,this girl was bothering her bc she liked her bf (also the girl doesn't go to our school)  and she never told me..then two days later after I found out about the situation, she tells me that she started cutting herself again, I broke down in tears, and I am rlly mad at myself for not telling her mother but her mother is pretty mean to her and idk what to do, and me and my mother aren't getting along, I feel like my crush will never like me, I barely see my dad anymore,and I always feel like dying.

damn that’s a lot. Ok let’s start with your friend. You should talk to her. Maybe try and help her to stop or try to make her feel better. Maybe if you can try to get rid if the bully if not then just help her through it. It’s not much but it helps. Your mom well that’s really tough it depends  on how long you’ve been arguing. Your dad try to get in contact with him a bit more. Try and call him as much as possible. Your crush, wasn’t he flirting with you before? Whatever that’s just how love kinda works. It kinda feels like it’s eating you up from the inside but love is a bit difficult you just need to push through I literally don’t know what else to say. And yeah feeling like that is really tough and sometimes you just want to stop it yeah. But you just need to keep fighting. Cause if you die now… what would your whole life have been for. You really might regret dying when it’s all said and done. I wouldn’t wish something like that on my worst enemy. You just have to push through I guess.

Ok I’m trash at giving advice and I’m really not good with words so I hope you understand what I mean haha.

yeah I understand, thank you
