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if we buy the game on steam, do we get the same perks as someone support your patreon or no?  

(1 edit) (+2)

The only thing you will get is the rest of the game this is a demo basically.
they gave up updating this demo.

there is a "Full" version on steam but that is filled with bugs and I have a feeling that the creator is going to stop updating it and work on a new project

ahh thanks for the info! 

im not sure if you know this but on steam atleast, they are updating the game regularly, just thought i'd let you know 

Oh I know but their updates are very buggy since it's just a huge renpy project I would save you money till it's fully out but I have a feeling they are going to stop halfway though like most indie devs


Ahh gotcha gotcha, okay. thanks for the info bro! 

no problem dude!