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Mha oc time boyzzzz

She's based off an old oc, but i fixed her made her noice noice

Name: marie elise ohnaruto 

Gender: female 
Age: 17 
Sexual Orientation: bi and poly 
Occupation: student 
Height: 5'6 
Weight: 146lbs 
Hair Color: whites 
Hair Type: smooth, straight 
Eye Color: blues 
Skin Color: paste
Nationality: French - Japanese 
School: UA 
Year: 2nd 
Distinguishing Features: her pupils r little white x's instead of circles
Hero/Villain Profile 
Hero/villain Name: parapluie (it means umbrella.. its funky) 
Quirk: puddle.. 
Weapons: her fists.. i guess-- 
Gadgets/Tech: water bottles and um.. other water bottles ig 
Likes: birdwatching, jogging, photography (mainly of her birds) 
Dislikes: hunting, cucumbers. 
Habits: twirling her hair, grinding her teeth. 
Fears: weight gain, hero work. 
Family: collette ohnaruto (mother), sato ohnaruto (father), hélène ohnaruto (older sister). 
Romantic Interests: none 
Physical Weaknesses: endurance, lung capacity 
Name of your quirk: puddle 
Description: marie can like.. turn herself into a puddle an shit..she can move about uh.. she's working on only being able to turn certain parts of her into waterss.. um. The more water added to her puddle ness the more weight she gains back in her usual form (the extra water gets turned into fat), if she uses her quirk for too long she'll start to evaporate 
Strength: good for infiltration. Could prolly drown someone if she tried..
Weaknesses: she can't turn others into fluid.. yet.. 
