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ahahahah I had to pull my bodily tissue out of skin! Tw for gruesome details.

so I was just doin my thing yk… existing but then I noticed something strange in my leg and decided “I should pull this out” so I was trying but it didn’t seem to want to come out. So I got some tweezers and attempted to pull it out with those but I couldn’t get a hold of it so I went to my mother and she squeezed at it until it popped out just enough to grab with the tweezers. It was a sort if brownish yellow color and looked like a piece of my skin. So my mom pulled at it with the tweezers and she pulled and pulled and pulled but it didn’t seem to come out until… I felt something rip out of my body as the little brown thing teared away from my skin and blood began to ooze out like lava from a volcano. I had to tape a tissue to my leg. Turns out it was a dead piece of tissue my body couldn’t get rid of so what did it do? It popped it through my skin that’s what. 


very :)