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I have Avast antivirus on my phone that makes a copy of the apk, scan it for threats, then send the copied apk to installation, and I have found that apks of apx 1GB+ won't install due to this(Having a rather high-end phone myself, lower-specced phones may have troubles with smaller apks). My solution is to long-press/right-click the apk and open it directly in Package Installation, bypassing the antivirus. I do this after running a normal scan, that doesn't copy the apk and tries to execute/run it afterwards.

I have never used any other antivirus on Android, so it might be only this one, or it might be all/most/some of them.

I have also found that the required free space on the device to install is doubled when sent through Avast's pre-installation scan.

I'd like to say that this isn't me hating on Avast, it's a great antivirus program, but the added memory and processor usage makes installation of large apks a tiny bit more difficult.