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Viability: Totally playable from beginning to end, no dead ends that I could find. Nice!

Presentation: Really great illustrations! I think it added a lot to the gameplay to see the environments and other characters you were interacting with.

Theme: Thought the theme was great and works well for a choice-based dating sim. "Will you pick your major based on who you think is sexiest? Absolutely!" is such a fun concept I really like how you are playing with this in the game design and writing.

Engagement: Very engaging story structure and I felt compelled to get all the way to the end to see where the story went. If you continue with this project I would love to see more dialogue options that fall in between "good" and bad" to make the interactions more complex, maybe even adding some incentives for choosing a "bad" answer vs a "good" answer could add some depth. But overall really good engaging narrative!