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Hey vlad! Made a video featuring this game: 


hey. cool video. thanks for the credit. i created it and vlad developed it on unity. i came up with the animated spider enemy type and the concept of the game. how the player should look. the laser fire. the laser fire color. we decided on what music to use in its original form. vlad designed the yellow structure that features the bending of player and enemy types. i created the God mode and 2 player modes. the game is hard cause that is the challenge of getting a billion points on 1 hit death. my inspiration for that were games like robotron 2084 and nex machina death machine. classic and modern arcade shooters. since i have the project i've been experimenting with different music tracks to use and see how it plays with new music. i found a new piece of music in there called common fight. and there is a coin and coin man in there in the project and i think vlad will do something with that in like a coin shop and coins to add to the game to buy cool things like a shot gun to use against the enemy types like animated snakes in the game.  i have some pixel art for weapons i think can be used in the game shop once it is in the game. and Laser Rage is an addictive twin stick with big purple laser blasts. i love playing it. i play the game every day!  


and on my page i put Laser Rage up using music tracks like  stage 5 and Human Error for addictive gameplay!