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Overall, I like the game, but I'm also rather frustrated and I didn't expect to be. I knew I would have to play through a few times to get a lot of points to use at the start, that's not what I'm frustrated about.

I'm more frustrated about a couple hints that I had gotten. There's two things I obviously need to do in order to actually beat that last fight and it's not really clear what I need to do.

For Lily I was consistently failing day 6. Tried all the choices. When trying the event and it ends with "Maybe there's more than just reading", sounds like I need more Intelligence so I run go to do it again but at 15 Intelligence but still fail. Then I thought maybe it's Charisma so I tried raising that and still failed. The only thing that wasn't high was Luck, increased that to 10 and I guess somehow that was the answer. Either that or the Luck apology with Amelie at the start of the game, I'm not certain.

The other hint is about Trianna after beating her. "Maybe if I didn't take a shower..." How do I even do that? I don't get the option to take one or not. My stats must play a role in it but I don't have a clue as to which one.

Hey, yeah, sorry for that, the lesson was learned. To get to read trianna´s text you need to do Lily´s branch correctly. I´m gonna modify the tips when i upload the next version, to make it clear, you are not the first with that problem.


No worries, it's just something you end up finding out from feedback. I'm sorry that it came off a little harsh!

I do like the game and story though, looking forward to seeing how things progress!


NP man, i also made a walkthrough for the game.

How does one locate this walkthrough?

(+1) in the game guide channel

I can't advance with lily on day 6, how did you level up your character?

Having every stat to at least 10 worked for me, I also tried the luck option when the player character is apologizing on the way to school

I think I found out, the money is missing. I did what you recommend, I left everything at 10, the other days I used the money and it was.
thank you friend ^^